Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Made it to Vlad

We are finally settled down at the Vlad Motor Inn and our jet lag is wearing off. It's amazing to think that we are now 15 hours ahead of our time in DC. We all woke up the first few nights at 3am and had a big "can't sleep" party. It's really nice getting a chance to spend time with Sarah and we have LOTS of time in the hotel.
We also got to see Matthew yesterday and it was nice to see that he is still so happy and growing. His face is thinning out and his laugh is still cute as ever. Sarah got to experience the small room or I like to call it a closet that we get to play with him in. It is so tiny and adding one more body doesn't help. We're headed out to see him again in 30 minutes. We have to wait for him to have his breakfast of rice and milk. They told us yesterday that he also loves to drink hot tea. Sounds just like Luke!
I'll post more later on our doctor visits. There were interesting...

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