Monday, April 9, 2012

Easter dinner??

We arrived in Beijing and had a great time visiting some of the sites. It doesn't quite feel like Easter without a beautiful church service, Easter eggs, hunting for baskets, or cute kids in their Easter outfits. We are so blessed though because we are safe and spending family time with Sarah.
China is pretty amazing. It's one of the cleanest cities I've been in and I've been in quite a few. The parking garage at the airport had painted floors and workers were buffing them! Never seen that before! We had a 14 hour direct flight here that went very quickly. We slept through half of it and that makes it a short flight.
Today we got to see the OlympicVillage. I loved it! The Bird's Nest was incredible!! We also drove by Tian An Men Square and saw some cool night markets. Tomorrow is going to be a little easier with a short flight to Vladivostok.
Good night from Beijing!

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