Friday, April 13, 2012

Court is finished!

We had our court hearing this morning and it went very smoothly. It lasted a little under an hour and they didn't ask any difficult questions. Our time in court was much more formal this time and we were asked to stand each time that we had to speak to the judge. We had a female judge and she was very pleasant. She even told Scott that it must be destiny to have this child because he looks so much like Scott. After the court, we got to see Matthew one final time. Scott will return now in 30 days to bring Matthew home. We found out that he'll be staying around 8-10 days when he returns to finish all of the paperwork. He was a bit shocked and will have to become a full time daddy because he'll have Matthew with him in the hotel room.
It has been a wonderful trip and it was such a great experience for Sarah. She will now have these great memories of meeting her brother and getting to see what kind of life he had. We feel blessed and our family is complete.

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