Thursday, May 31, 2012

I Love the Vacuum

So, our first day at home alone was very busy.  I forgot how curious Luke was when he arrived home and how much energy it takes to fulfill this curiosity phase.  We started with the vacuum and at first, Matthew was afraid of it.  He peeked his head around the corner and just screamed with laughter each time I turned it on.  He finally became brave enough to run in and actually touch it and then run away.  I think he thought that it would eat him!  After 30 minutes of this game, he finally was brave enough to pull on the cord.  It was love!  He pulled that cord in and out about 200 times before mommy was about crazy.  Carefully, I comforted him and tried my best with our sign language and few Russian words to let him know that he could see it tomorrow.  That wasn't good enough for him and he ended up crying for about 10 minutes.  I told you that it was love!


Amy and Corey said...

Lisa, this was exactly how Michael was at first. He was scared and yet oddly fascinated by the vacuum. At first he'd sit on the couch and watch never moving. But now he wants me to vacuum Your boys are beautiful! Hopefully soon we can go back to Russia for Michael's little brother too.

Dierlam Family said...

That's so exciting that you're getting another boy! We are so in love and glad that we've given Luke a brother. He loves being around a lot of people and he is excited about a brother. How old are your boys?