Monday, May 14, 2012

Feeling Guilty

Well, yesterday I started to feel very guilty that I didn't travel with Scott to Russia.  I looked at all of the videos of Matthew and realized that I should have gone.  I stayed back to help save money and I think that it may have been the wrong decision.  I hope that Scott is doing well and taking many, many photos.  He tried to Skype yesterday and we could only talk a few minutes before it cut out on us.  Once he is in the hotel room in Vlad, he should get a better connection.
Luke and I can't wait to see Matthew and find out how Scott is doing at being the only parent right now.  It's such a huge job and I pray that Matthew has an easy transition.  He'll leave the orphanage today and that's always very tough.  It's been the only home that he's known for the past 2 years of his life.  Sweet dreams little boy.  Your mommy loves you dearly.

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