Saturday, May 19, 2012

Time at the Park

Scott is having a great time hanging out with Matthew and getting to know him.  We talk everyday with the wonderful use of Skype.  When we brought Luke home, we didn't have the ability to do this and it has been such a blessing to see them each day.
Here's what Scott wrote about Matthew. "Matthew was exhausted yesterday and he is still asleep 12 hours later as 7 am approaches.  7:30 am each day is an exciting time here, as the daily 8-hour communication freeze ends when the Vlad Motor Inn's restaurant reopens and they power up their Wi-Fi.  It is funny to see all the adoption couples move out in the hallway to obtain the signal. 

We spent an hour in the crowded hotel park yesterday.  It was a beautiful day and Matthew ran around with a five year old boy most of the time.  He hopped on a bike with training wheels and tried with limited success to get it moving, but he loved to have me push him around while he steered.  A crash or two did not curb his enthusiasm.  He just jumped back on the bike.

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