Friday, October 7, 2011

Away We Go!

Scott and I will be off in less than 5 hours for our first adoption trip to meet our potential son. Luke was so cute this morning as he made a movie for his "brudder." He is in love with this little guy already. We bought a cute little bear that Luke picked out and he hugged and kissed it a lot before we put the bear in the suitcase. It's such a blessing to have wonderful friends that are looking after Luke while we leave for the next week.

We're both a little nervous to meet our little guy and see if he is a good match for us. We'll say our prayers and way we'll go. Monday afternoon we plan to meet with the Minister of Education. We have a 30 minute interview and the possibility of meeting our son on that same day. What an exciting time that will be!

I'm off to sleep for a few short hours before we are off! We'll take all of the prayers we can get.
Big hugs to all!

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