Tuesday, October 11, 2011


I forgot how many hours we spend waiting while the adoption process happens. We spent 2 short hours at the orphanage and the rest of the time walking around the city in search of a grocery store. Success was found after an hour and we're now stocked up on drinks, cheese, and bread-yum!
Today, we finally got to meet with our little guy. It was nice to finally meet him and have a small chance to play. He is the opposite of Luke because he is so shy and quiet. Some delays are present and we'll need lots of prayers before we make any decisions. We'll speak with the doctors back home tonight and that may help with any questions we may have. We also get to play with him and see him interact with kids tomorrow. Each time I come her, I am thankful for what I have and that Luke is a part of our lives. We appreciate all of your prayers.

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