Sunday, April 26, 2009

Summer Already?

With Scott out of town for a few weeks, I had to think quick to keep Luke entertained all day. Dad is so good at playing with him on Sunday afternoons while mom finishes her school work...not today!

With the sun beating down and pollen covering the car, I thought, why not wash the car and the boy at the same time! Luke loves getting the hose out and it sounded like lots of fun. He was entertained for over 2 hours spraying everything in sight. I'm glad that we have good neighbors that don't mind the fact that Luke doesn't have very good aim yet. He ended up washing their cars as well. He also watered all of our bushes and tried to make the "flowers" come back to life. He actually just watered a pot with dirt in it but, I didn't tell him that. The best part was that I could actually talk on the phone with my friend from Germany with only a few interruptions.

After he became tired of all the work, Luke decided it was time to ride his bike. As soon as he saw the neighbor riding his scooter he came back to get his scooter and away he went. This boy never stops moving until bedtime.
Summer is almost here and I can't wait to see what Luke will be doing by then!

1 comment:

Whitefamily said...

I'm giggling seeing this PRECIOUS, ACTIVE boy! Trust me, thy never stop moving! It brings me such joy to see him