Sunday, April 12, 2009

Easter Morning

It was so much fun seeing how excited Sarah was for the Easter Bunny. Can you believe that she still believes in all of this? Scott and I were a bit skeptical until she set up this elaborate spread for the bunny. Check out the photo above...she had to have all of the "floral" accents, along with a salad, and ice water. Too cute! She was also very excited for Luke. We tried to explain that he really didn't understand all of this and she didn't really listen to us. She got his basket ready and even put signs on them so the bunny wouldn't be confused.

She woke up first and wouldn't touch a thing until little brother was up. She ran upstairs to get him up and couldn't make him budge. Mom went to get him and he was sitting at the top of the stairs in a bit of confusion. When he heard that the Easter Bunny had come, he had a huge smile and plopped down the stairs. It was a great surprise for him and he didn't quite know what to do. Sarah helped open his eggs and he loved it all. In true "Luke Cleaning" fashion, he quickly cleaned up everything and put it all back into the basket. I've got to find a way to keep this good habit. Both kids had a bit of candy before Scott packed them both up for the long haul back to South Carolina. Mom stayed home to finish up report cards and enjoy one last day of break before work begins again tomorrow.

We are truly blessed and thankful for two wonderful children.

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