Sunday, April 5, 2009

Luke's Week of "Firsts"


Luke has been a busy little boy and he had many "firsts" over the past few weeks. I am amazed each and every day at how resilient he is. He has grown so much with his speech and he uses very few Russian words anymore. Just this week he has started saying "yes" and "no" and he repeats everything we're saying.

He started school and he loves it so much! What a blessing that is because he could have had difficulties with going with strangers for an entire day and he didn't. The teachers told us that he fit right in and it was like he'd been going there for the entire year. He loves to help and his specialty is cleaning up the tables and pushing the chairs in. He's slowly beginning to interact with other kids. Because of his limited language skills, it's been a little hard for him to make friends. This will come with time.


My favorite thing to do is just sit back and take the world in through his eyes. Today he heard a lawn mower and couldn't figure out what it was and where the noise was coming from. He went right out the front door to investigate. When he found the man with the mower he just laughed and couldn't believe that the grass was being cut with that loud machine.

He's still transitioning to our rules and wants to touch everything-at least 10-20 times! At least he's stopped flushing the toilet 10 times each time he goes. He also knows the remote controls are off limits and he tries very hard to touch them "accidentally" as he runs past them. The kitchen is almost too much for him to handle...the refrigerator light, the fire on the stove, the microwave that beeps. He loves it all and wants to know how it all works.

We have Sarah here this week and this will be a BIG first, meeting his sister! Hopefully it will run smoothly and we'll get through the growing pains of adding a new brother to the Dierlam family.



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