Wednesday, September 24, 2008

200 miles!

I haven't written in a long time because school has taken over my life. Now that open house is completed, I can rest easy and fall into a nice rhythm. Being a teacher is an incredible job and it takes many hours of work outside of the classroom. My day begins at 8:00 and I usually don't leave the school until 7:00 p.m. I always feel as if I abandon Scott because I am around all summer and I seem to disappear for 9 months. I'm lucky to be married to such an incredibly patient man.

Scott and I are getting ready for a race that we'll run together on October 11th. I haven't run a race with him and I can't wait to spend time together doing something we enjoy. I also signed up for a half marathon for October 19th. I am not a runner at heart and it really took over my life when my friend and I decided to "try" and run a half marathon. After I painfully completed that(with my friend literally pushing me to the finish line), it got a little crazier. We signed up for a full marathon! I can proudly say that I finished it and that...I NEVER want to run that far ever again-ha! Shorter distances are my comfort zone and I'm completely comfortable with that. I'm just glad that I CAN run. So, run I will. I started logging my miles on July 4th and I can't believe that I've run over 200 miles!

The news on the adoption is pretty dismal and I really would love to start sharing some good news about it. It looks as if another agency will have to take over our case and we're just praying that this isn't a lengthy process. We keep praying for little Luda and hope that we can still bring her home. Here's the word this week from our agency...

At this time the director advised us that she has no additional information to share. She is waiting to hear back from another agency, the other agency that may be able to assist us in completing our adoption. We regret that this process is becoming more complicated for you.

We appreciate all of the positive thoughts and prayers. Keep them coming!

1 comment:

junglemama said...

I am so sorry. How frustrating the complications must be.