Sunday, September 7, 2008

Running for Others

On August 31 I completed the NIKE+Human Race 10K. I ran this 10K to support the UN refugee camps and help raise awareness of the plight and the potential of refugee children. All of the runners combined raised half a million dollars so far!

It‘s easy to take our education, sport interests and technology for granted, but millions of kids miss out on these important elements of childhood.

Refugee children have often suffered enormously, leaving them severely traumatized. The trauma is not left behind when they finally make it to a refugee camp. Some refugees are born and live out their childhood in camps, often with no access to sport or recreation. Did you know the average refugee spends 12 years in a camp?

I was amazed when I learned some of the facts about how these children have to live. I thought that I could easily do my part by running in a 10K. I hope this reaches the hearts of many and we raise enough money for these kids to have a future filled with hope.

Here are my results for all to see!

1 comment:

Rachael said...

Wow! And your time rocks! Good for you.