Saturday, September 27, 2008

A Small Taste of Germany

Last week as I was perusing the local Northern Virginia magazine, I saw an ad that caught my eye. It had a photo of a man holding something I haven't eaten in almost 2 years...a Doener sandwich! For those of you wondering what one is, I have included photos below. Some of you reading know exactly what this is because you visited me in Germany and fell in love with them. My friends from Nebraska had to have one before they boarded the plane back to Omaha and my parents loved them too.

When I saw the ad, I was immediately taken back to my local Doener guy in Landstuhl. I would stop by the parking lot at the market and buy one at least once a month. He had a little restaurant on wheels. It was a mom and pop shop and his entire family squeezed into the little trailer.

Scott and I decided to finally try them out and made the hour drive to Leesburg. The little restaurants must be the way that they serve them all over Germany and this man brought his to America. It was great seeing all of the German food on the menu and I really wanted to try everything. We each got a regular Doener and sat outside on the cute German fest tables.

Well, the sandwich wasn't nearly as good as the original ones. We both didn't care for the sauce and the bread was a little dry for me. We still had lots of fun and I'm very glad we ventured out and tried an old favorite. It did bring back great memories from Germany and I can't wait to get back there some day and see all of my friends!

Yes, I have my full set of braces now and YES, I can't wait to get them removed in January. Eating food is a pain and I don't know how young kids deal with it.

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