Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Ready for Students

I have been so busy this past week setting up my classroom and getting ready for 24 new students. Yes, the numbers went down and I'm so happy with only having 24. That means that we'll have a little more room to spread our bodies out. This part of the year always seems overwhelming because there is so much to get done. I'm the kind of teacher that has to set my room up before I can even look at lesson plans for the first week. Now that I have that accomplished, the fun begins!

This year we are using the theme, "Oh, the Places We'll Go!" and I think it will be a hit with the students. We will discuss reaching our goals and how this is a journey that each student takes. We have compasses for the first day of school and it will be used as a reminder of the "direction" they are headed. Dr. Seuss has so many great quotes that go along with this and I'm using many of them this year.
Here's one of my favorites:
"Today is your day, your mountain is waiting, so get on your way. " - Dr Seuss

Here's how I designed our classroom door.

I have such an incredible job! I get to be with inquisitive children all day. They ask so many questions and they all want to learn so much. I don't think that I was like that at all when I was in school. I just went to school and came home. Kids are so different now. I can't wait to see what my class will be like this year.

Here's my classroom-all ready to go!

No new information on our adoption and I can truly say that I'm very happy that my mind is completely occupied with my classroom. I may email our agency this week and see what I can find out. Another family from our agency may be traveling next week to pick up their child. That would be great news for all of the waiting families. I'll let everyone know if we hear anything.


Rachael said...

Oh, I love Dr. Suess. What a great choice for theme! (I have a Dr. Suess quote on my blog side bar too!)

Annie said...

I'd give just about anything to be a teacher (says a woman with a teaching certificate). Unfortunately, I made the mistake of getting a job in administration - and now I'm stuck. Can't afford to teach any more. Breaks my heart. Do take a moment to appreciate the joy of being able to make a true difference in people's lives - every day.

Beck Family said...

Your kids are so lucky to have you as their teacher!! SO blessed!

Lori Beck