Friday, October 14, 2011

Finally Friday

We've had a long two days and it feels good to finally relax in our hotel room. Knowing that we made the right decision for our family also feels good. Our new little guy is so sweet and loves to smile and laugh. Reminds us a lot of Luke.
All of our paperwork is complete for this trip and we played with our son one last time before heading to the hotel. If all goes well, we'll be back to get him in February. That gives us time to prepare for him and enjoy time with Luke and Sarah.
These trips are so exhausting and we look forward to being back home. We now have our family complete and Matthew Alexander is such a gift!

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Tough Decisions

Scott and I had to make a very difficult decision this morning. Adoption is never easy and you have to be very strong. We had to go with our instincts and decline the boy we had been matched with. For adoptive parents who've been where we are, you know how emotional this is. At first, we "talked" ourselves into being the family that could handle this boy and be able to give h a good home. After hours of thinking and researching; we decided to say no. The next few hours were very sad for both of us. We've come so far and the thought of leaving behind a child is not taken lightly. We feel blessed to have 2 wonderful children and we'll have to see where our path leads.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Day 2

We got to visit the orphanage again this morning and we made progress today. Playing outside for 2 hours was refreshing and we learned a lot about our little guy. It's as if a whole new boy came out. He played soccer with us and laughed a lot! Luke will love having a soccer playmate. He also told the other children that we were his mama and papa. So sweet.
Now to come up with a name and relax a little before tomorrow comes.


I forgot how many hours we spend waiting while the adoption process happens. We spent 2 short hours at the orphanage and the rest of the time walking around the city in search of a grocery store. Success was found after an hour and we're now stocked up on drinks, cheese, and bread-yum!
Today, we finally got to meet with our little guy. It was nice to finally meet him and have a small chance to play. He is the opposite of Luke because he is so shy and quiet. Some delays are present and we'll need lots of prayers before we make any decisions. We'll speak with the doctors back home tonight and that may help with any questions we may have. We also get to play with him and see him interact with kids tomorrow. Each time I come her, I am thankful for what I have and that Luke is a part of our lives. We appreciate all of your prayers.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

United is the Best

We've arrived at our favorite lounge and just waiting for our first part of the trip. United has such a nice lounge and it's a nice way to spend an hour before takeoff.
SanFrancisco, here we come! Can't wait to relax on the plane and do some reading.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Away We Go!

Scott and I will be off in less than 5 hours for our first adoption trip to meet our potential son. Luke was so cute this morning as he made a movie for his "brudder." He is in love with this little guy already. We bought a cute little bear that Luke picked out and he hugged and kissed it a lot before we put the bear in the suitcase. It's such a blessing to have wonderful friends that are looking after Luke while we leave for the next week.

We're both a little nervous to meet our little guy and see if he is a good match for us. We'll say our prayers and way we'll go. Monday afternoon we plan to meet with the Minister of Education. We have a 30 minute interview and the possibility of meeting our son on that same day. What an exciting time that will be!

I'm off to sleep for a few short hours before we are off! We'll take all of the prayers we can get.
Big hugs to all!