Saturday, September 24, 2011

We have a referral!

About a week ago we were given a referral of a little boy! We were a little shocked to find out that he is only 3 years old. We were hoping for a 5-6 year old boy and we had to think quite a bit before making our decision. We decided to go forward and visit him. This time around, our adoption process is going so quickly. The referral came faster than we thought and now we already have our travel date!

It's going to be an exciting trip because we get to fly through Korea. I get to check another country off of my list. We're checking for short tours that get us a little taste of Seoul. We have less than 24 hours in the country and I hope to get to a few temples and market areas.

So, our heads are swimming with so much to do. We have our visas being processed, ticket reservations for our flight, and now we're searching for a hotel in Vladivostok. We'll be staying there for a week and getting a chance to meet with this boy and see if he's a good fit for our family.
We appreciate any prayers because this is always a tiring process with so much to accomplish in such a short time.

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