Thursday, August 6, 2009

News on Rylie

So, I was curious one night and decided to research the Russian adoption site with photo listings. I'm not really sure why I was doing it, maybe looking for the little girl we didn't get to bring home. I lay awake many nights picturing all of those beautiful children and honestly wish that I could bring just one precious little girl home.

After looking for a short while, I was shocked to see Rylie's face appear before me. I sat there for a moment wondering why she was there and if I was only dreaming (I did say it was late, right?). I had to show Scott and he was also a bit dumbfounded. We didn't know what to do and we decided to write off to Russia and ask Valentina if she knew anything.

A few days later, we were thinking that we'd hear nothing or that she still wasn't available, maybe her picture was a mistake or something. We truly didn't feel that we would hear any good news. The news we did hear was shocking, Rylie WAS available and did we want to pursue bringing her home. Now, we really had to do some soul searching. How could we possibly afford another adoption? How could we get the time off of work? What would it do the children we have now? Scott and I both had a lot to think about. We finally decided that we would take the first step, sending off the petition to search for Rylie.

So, the letter is off to Russia and now we wait-yet again. I'm not sure why we're on this path right now. I would love to have Rylie if it is a possibility. She is such a precious little girl and I really hate to think that she would grow up in the orphanage. Luke is so happy now and that makes it harder. I look at him and know that bringing home another child is the right answer. We'll have to wait and see what happens. We're pretty good at waiting...

1 comment:

Beck Family said...

Your entry gave me chills, there is a reason she has come up again in your life, what a lucky little girl to have you and Scott seeking her again!