Sunday, August 30, 2009

The Next Tiger Woods

Scott introduced the Tiger Woods golf game on the Wii to Luke and he loves it! The two of them are down in the basement for hours playing. It sounds as if we have an entire golf crowd down there with all of the cheering. This is a great way for the two of them to bond and have a little father/son time. Luke is pretty good and can actually get a hole-in-one!

Because he likes golf so much, we decided to use his gift certificate from Nana and PawPaw to get him a golf set. Thanks so much! He loves to drag his clubs to the side of the house and set up his golf course. I may have to buy few extra golf balls because he has a mighty swing and they get lost in the forest behind our house.

We sent off another letter to the Department of Education in Russia. They will be on vacation for the next month and we had to get it to them quickly. We're still waiting to hear any additional news on Rylie. We'll let you know when we hear something and hopefully it will be soon!

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