Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Snow Day with Dad

Luke had so much fun today with Scott. He had to go out right away with his pajamas on because he was so excited about the snow. It was nice having Scott home in the morning so he could go out and play in the snow with Luke. We are finding out that Luke loves to work hard. He helped Scott shovel the sidewalk in front of the house without any complaints. What a fun morning we had!


The Youngblood's said...

I love the snow pictures! Luke looks so happy in the snow!

Rachael said...

Oh my goodness! A LOT has happened since I last checked in on your blog. Congratulations on your new son!!! I hope you will post more about your trip in the coming days.

Whitefamily said...

It just warms my heart to see these pictures Lisa of Luke and Scott working together. Your little boy is so precious. I hope we will get to meet him!