Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Home at Last!

We are finally home from Russia and feel so blessed to be back in America. It was the longest 3 weeks of our lives and we are so proud to be new parents! Luke Mason Dierlam became our son on January 29, 2009. He now has a Forever Family and he is such a precious gift.

I will write more about our trip in the days to follow. Right now, Luke is asleep and I have a few minutes to type. I spend most of my days chasing after him and telling him not to touch things. He will copy a few words we're saying in English but, doesn't really know what he's saying yet. He does talk a lot in Russian and seems to be very happy. He loves looking at photos of himself and one of his favorite things to do is dance.

Here are a few photos from our trip. Many more to come...


The Youngblood's said...

He is beautiful! Hopefully we can have a playdate very soon! He is blessed to have found the two of you. A perfect family!

Whitefamily said...

Oh Lisa, he is so beautiful! I have been checking almost daily to hear this good news! Enjoy that precious boy! We can't wait to see and hear more.