Monday, February 23, 2009

Life in the Orphanage

I was wondering today if Luke misses his life in the orphanage. He was well taken care of and had many kids to play with. The ladies there loved him and he was hugged a lot. I can tell because he loves it when we hug him. Luke is doing really well with bonding with both of us.

He had a very strict routine at the orphanage and we haven't quite fallen into a routine yet. He would take 4 hour "naps" and now he doesn't want to lay down at all during the day. I think he doesn't like being alone and for now, I just have him lay on the couch and have quiet time.

Each day is getting better and better. He speaks more words in English and he has adjusted to sleeping throughout the night.

Here are a few photos from the orphanage. It is one of the better orphanages in Krasnodar and the building itself was nicely decorated. They receive many donations and the kids there have a nice life. We really liked the doctor on staff and she took good care of the kids. Luke has his first doctor's appointment tomorrow with an adoption specialist. We can't wait to hear how he's doing.


Whitefamily said...

He is so precious. Wishing we were closer so we could meet him. Is this the same orphanage you've visited in the past or in a different area? What an amazing journey. We are praying for you guys during this adjustment period!

Beck Family said...

Let us know when Luke needs bigger man tights (as he grows) if you can't get them there, we will keep you supplied :)