Monday, August 11, 2008

Summer is Winding Down

The house is very quiet today and there's a wonderful breeze blowing through the kitchen. I flew Sarah home last Friday and the house always seems empty without her here. She's such a ball of energy and we're always doing something. We ended her last week here with diving lessons and vacation bible school at night. She really had a great summer. Only a few scratches on her chin and not nearly as many bug bites as last summer.

It was also nice to finally have Scott home after being in the Middle East for over a week. He always comes home with great stories and a deeper appreciation for the USA. Now it's just the two of us again. We cherish the time we have alone because we know that will be changing in the future.

We haven't heard any adoption news about our case and we don't think we'll hear anything for a few weeks. It's been over a month since we received the news about our agency. The courts in Moscow gave them 3 months to remedy the situation and we're hoping that it all gets worked out quickly.

With all of this waiting, I've really amped up my running. I try to run 4-5 miles every day. It's such a great way to clear my mind and I'm always relaxed when I finish a run. I'll be running in a race on October 11th and I'd like to run a 9 minute mile. At least that's my goal for right now. I put a new widget on our site to show my running progress. I thought that this would motivate me because everyone could see if I was running or not. I love the Nike+ running chip!

I have 2 more weeks left before I head back to my classroom. It's going to be an exciting year with the adoption happening somewhere in the middle of it all!

Here are some highlights from the summer...

1 comment:

Rachael said...

Thanks for visiting my blog and entering the give-away! I will add you to my bloglines to keep tabs on your adoption progress. Best of luck with everything. The waiting and uncertainty is not easy, as you know. Luda is the same age as my Katya, who is just home 16 months. So, please feel free to email me if I can ever be of any support to you.