Sunday, August 3, 2008

Bike Riding in DC

We found a great family sport to occupy our time while we wait to hear any news on Rylie. We now all own a bike and we love to go on adventures together. This weekend we ventured down to DC and we took the bikes on the metro. It was so easy and we wondered why we hadn't thought of doing this sooner.

If you've ever had to walk to all of the monuments around DC, you know that it's very tiring. The bikes today were easy, fun, and actually kept us very cool. The weather was gorgeous and we saw all of the monuments in under an hour. That NEVER happens. We also went to the Smithsonian castle and saw a special exhibit on the Olympic medals. I was most excited because I absolutely love the Olympics. They had many medals from past athletes and they also had some of the torches. It was all very cool!
Here are a few photos from the ride...


Anonymous said...

That sounds like fun! It was time effective and you exercised! I love the city.

In the past I have seen it by day and also by night. My favorite monument is the Roosevelt...did you see it too?

I love your webpage!

junglemama said...

When we had only one and to children we rode bikes all the time! What fun!