Sunday, January 4, 2009

Christmas with Sarah

We had a very relaxing 2 week holiday with Sarah this year. We went ice skating and took in a few of the museums and sites in DC. Sarah loved the Holiday Lights at the DC zoo and the weather was perfect this year for getting out and about. Scott got to take Sarah to a hockey game and they had a great time! Sarah loved going to the HUGE arena and hearing all of the crazy Capitals fans.

I'm just relaxing today as I get ready to head back to school tomorrow. Scott has to drive Sarah back to South Carolina in one day! That's too long of a drive for me and he was nice enough to leave me at home in my PJ's. What a great day it will be!


Beck Family said...

Looks like a fun time! You look great!

The Youngblood's said...

I love the lights at the Zoo! I know Caroline and Ryan would love it, hopefully we can go at Christmas this year!