Sunday, January 18, 2009

Count Down to the Inauguration

Scott and I made a trip down to DC to see the festivities before the Inauguration this Tuesday. It's an amazing time to be living in DC. There is amazing American pride running through the subways and the streets. Everything is decorated here and we can't wait to be a part of this historical event! Here are just a few photos that I took before I had to find a warm cup of coffee. It's freezing here!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Tour of the West Wing

Scott and I had one last chance to tour the West Wing of the White House before President Bush leaves. It was freezing tonight and we had second thoughts as we stood outside of the gate and waited for the tour to begin. It's super cold here and I couldn't feel my feet. We were very glad that we waited because it was a great tour! We only had 6 people in our group and our guide had great stories to tell. We weren't allowed to take photos inside or I would have posted photos of the Oval Office. It was an incredible site! It had to be my favorite part of the tour.

I also loved getting to see all of the personal touches that Mrs. Bush did with decorating the West Wing. They have so many warm photos of President Bush. They show a very different side of him. One of my favorites was him with a chain saw in his hand and mud all over his face. The guide said that he loves to chop down brush and clear his mind. There was also a cool photo of him biking with Lance Armstrong. I had no idea that he was such a great cyclist. All in all, it was a great tour and I'm very glad that we went.

The entire look of the Mall is incredible right now. Ribbons are everywhere, grandstands are being built and I'm proud to be in such a great city!

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Christmas with Sarah

We had a very relaxing 2 week holiday with Sarah this year. We went ice skating and took in a few of the museums and sites in DC. Sarah loved the Holiday Lights at the DC zoo and the weather was perfect this year for getting out and about. Scott got to take Sarah to a hockey game and they had a great time! Sarah loved going to the HUGE arena and hearing all of the crazy Capitals fans.

I'm just relaxing today as I get ready to head back to school tomorrow. Scott has to drive Sarah back to South Carolina in one day! That's too long of a drive for me and he was nice enough to leave me at home in my PJ's. What a great day it will be!