Saturday, March 31, 2012

Court Date!!!

We finally have our court date and we're headed to Vladivostok!! We have been busy with getting our paperwork in order and finalizing plane tickets and visas. I forgot how much work this was when we went to get Luke. We'll be staying for one week to complete medical exams, meet with the social worker, and have our final time in court on the 13th!! Send lots of prayers our way for a safe trip.
Scott and I can't wait to see how much Matthew has grown up. It will also be fun to play with all of the other children there. I always love to give them some special attention to let them know that they are loved!
It will be a busy week with packing and finishing up my report cards! It's nice to have spring break this week to help with all of the errands I have before we depart on Saturday.
We'll be staying at the Vlad Motor Inn this time and we hope to take some walks to the beach and on the nature trails. Can't wait for our adventure to begin!