Thursday, January 19, 2012

Still waiting...

Now that the Christmas rush is gone and all of the decorations are put away, we patiently wait for our court date. The Russian holidays are over and the courts should be up and running again. Our package was sent before the holidays and we really should hear some news in the next few weeks. Everyone at school asks if we have any news; the anticipation is building and we're all excited to bring our new little man home.
Russia making the change with the court system puts a little damper on things. They have recently changed the waiting period after the court date to 30 days! Scott and I will both return home after court and Scott will return for a third trip. He is such a wonderful husband and I am blessed to have him in my life. He will return to bring the little guy home all by himself. Luke and I will anxiously be waiting their return. Hopefully this time Scott won't get bit too many times - ha!

We do have great news about Luke! We have turned in our final paperwork on him and we no longer will have visits from the social worker. It is such a great feeling to know that we are passed all of the paperwork with Luke. Three years is a long time to and we passed with flying colors! We love Luke so much and can't imagine our lives without him. It was great to see how close Sarah is getting to him. Each visit brings them closer as brother and sister and he's at the age where they can finally have fun together.

We all can't wait for our family to grow larger and see where the next chapter takes us!