Monday, February 1, 2010

Gotcha Day


Scott and I can't believe that at this time last year we were in Russia getting ready to bring Luke home. For those of you that don't know, we celebrate the day that Luke officially became a part of our family. We call it, Gotcha Day! Our court date was January 26, 2009 and this is the day he became our son. What a crazy day that was. Scott and I had to wait in a holding area outside the courthouse for over an hour and then we were escorted to another area outside of the judge's courtroom. We waited another 2 hours there and it seemed like an eternity. As we were waiting, we heard the news that the judges had met that day and were unhappy about Americans adopting and were unsure if they would allow it to go through. Worry set in immediately and I just wanted it all to be over. The judge asked us both many questions and he seemed to ask me the most.

We were both relieved when he announced that Luke Dierlam was officially ours! We were so exhausted that we went back to our coordinators house and went to bed. We didn't even get to see Luke that day. The next day was very special when Scott and I saw him. He came running up to us and it all felt so good.
One year later, and we couldn't be more proud of this amazing little boy. He's had to adjust to so many things and he is a fighter. He wants to learn and he's trying very hard to make good choices. He's happy, healthy, and on the path to success. He gives the best hugs and has a smile each and every morning. We just wish that we could bring home a brother or sister for Luke. We have lots of prayers out there about the next steps our family takes. Until then, we will enjoy every precious moment we have with our son, Luke.

Many of our adoptive family friends have written with lots of questions about their upcoming adoptions. Know that patience is the most important thing. Your child is waiting for you. It isn't always easy and we're here to help with anything you may need.