Monday, November 30, 2009


We are blessed this year for so many reasons. We finally have Luke home and that feels so good to have a son. We also have great jobs, good health, and are surrounded by a loving family and friends.

Here's Luke's list of things he's thankful for...
And soda

Happy Thanksgiving to all!

Saturday, November 7, 2009

October Happenings

We had a busy October and I can't believe that it's already November. Scott was gone for half of the month, we had Sarah visit for a long weekend, Luke had his first Trick o' Treating experience and we all had some kind of illness. Halloween was such a great time in our neighborhood and Luke was so funny! He woke up the next day with a huge smile and asked if he could have Halloween again. He didn't even like the candy, he just liked visiting all of the houses and getting to peek inside. One person had a huge fish tank and I didn't think he would ever leave his house. Luke is doing really well in school with his academics. He has learned the entire alphabet and is beginning to sound out words. He is an amazing little boy! We keep working on his ability to listen and follow directions. With maturity, we're hoping that he'll do better and better in school with following the rules. He has a fantastic teacher and he is well loved at our school. Sarah had a great time when she visited and was able to have one last marshmallow roast before we had to put the fire pit away for the winter. We're looking forward to having my parents come for Thanksgiving and having Scott at home a little bit more.