Sunday, October 4, 2009

October Fun

September came and went, where in the world did it go? School has started for everyone and is finally running smoothly for all. Luke did well the first week and has been learning so much. He hadn't been in an American classroom at all and he has a long way to go before he's able to do most of the things his fellow kindergarten friends can do. I have a very supportive school and they are all working very hard to get Luke the help that he needs. I've had lots of support from my adoptive parents group and they helped us through the beginning of the year. Now, we just have our prayers going strong for Luke and his teacher. She has her hands full with him and it will take a village to raise him. It's a blessing to have so many people praying for us.

During this kickoff to school, we also got more news on Rylie. We found out that we would have to take 2 trips to bring her home and had to made a very difficult decision. Scott and I spent many hours thinking this through and came to the decision that we can't financially afford this right now. Luke would love to have another sister and it's just not the right time. It breaks our hearts to think that we can't bring her home. We'll see what the future holds for a brother or sister for Luke.

Luke has been having a lot of fun with the sights and sounds of October. He had no idea what a pumpkin was and he tried to take a big bite out of one. It's so funny because we take so much for granted. I had to cut a pumpkin open so he could see what was inside. Luke didn't like the slimy seeds one bit. Next, we cut it in half, added brown sugar and baked them. Luke did love this!! He couldn't get enough of the baked pumpkin. This is going to be an exciting Halloween for our family!