Monday, July 27, 2009

Luke has his first birthday celebration

What an exciting day July 23rd was in our house. Luke turned 5 and he had no idea what a birthday was or what was in store for him. I started the day before by playing him the birthday song and he told me that he knew it from school. We sang it a couple of times and he loved it! His version is a little different because he says, "Happy Durchday." He's still working on his speech pronunciation. It was very cute hearing him ask me if tomorrow was his durchday.

We decided to start the day with ice cream cake because it got a little smashed when Luke carried it into the house the night before. I highly recommend having ice cream for breakfast. We were all in a great mood after that! I also decided to let Luke make his own cake and see what cooking was all about. He loves to help out and he was great about following all of the steps on the box.

When it was time to light the candles, and sing, he could barely contain his enthusiasm. He kept saying Luke is 5, Luke is 5! We gave him some of the trick candles because he loves to blow them out and we thought that this would give him the opportunity to do it a couple of times.

It was so much fun being able to be a part of this very first birthday for one special little boy.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

4th of July FUN

After getting settled into our new home, it was time to pick up my nephew, Caleb! He's staying with us for a few weeks before he starts his adventure in college. Luke and Sarah LOVE having him here and it gives me a nice break. He's been a blessing to have around.

For the big holiday, we had the opportunity to watch the DC fireworks from the parade grounds of the Pentagon-very cool. We didn't have to deal with all of the traffic and we were close enough to have a great view. Luke is crazy about fireworks! He screams out the color after each blast and it makes everyone around us smile. I know that is his gift right now, he makes everyone happy. Well...maybe his sister wouldn't completely agree with that statement. They are getting along really well and it's nice to see them play together.

We have our next homestudy coming up in a few weeks and the case worker will come to check out our new house and how Luke is progressing. We can't wait to see what she thinks!