Monday, June 29, 2009

Road Trip to Florida and Alabama

Yes, summer is officially here and the Dierlam Crew has finished school, moved into a new house and taken a road trip to Florida AND Alabama. Phew...I'm tired just typing all of that. What a wonderful journey we're on!

Sarah arrived 2 weeks ago and my father came for a week to help take care of Sarah and more importantly, do what he does best, fix up our new house. We purchased a foreclosed house and it needed a lot of TLC. My father is great for projects like this. We had a long list and he managed to complete most of the list! What a blessing. He doesn't know that we've already started a new list for his next visit-ha!

After moving the big stuff in and cleaning up our old house, we shoved the rest of our "stuff" into the garage and loaded up the car for a road trip! We wanted to visit Scott's brother and family in Florida and also take a trip to Alabama to visit his parents. What fun this was! The brother and sister team in the backseat got along just like siblings do on a 14 hour car ride. Ahhh! Actually, I'm proud of them because they managed to play nicely and Sarah has really been a big help with Luke. She loves him more than she knows. :)

The Florida weather was almost unbearable and both kids were troopers while we spent the ENTIRE day at Sea World. It was fun to sit back and watch Luke as he took in this amazing place. I think that he had a permanent smile all day. Sarah loved riding the coasters and she's tall enough now for all of them. She'll be taller than me in no time. She even went on one of the coasters by herself-wow!

Our next stop was Alabama and time to relax at Nana and Papa's house. We took in a Biscuits ball game and Luke was given a bat from one of the players. He loved the game! On this visit, Sarah fell in love with fishing. She even caught 20 fish in one day. Luke's favorite part of the trip was riding in the convertible Corvette with his Papa. Each day Luke takes in more things and becomes closer to his family.