Monday, May 25, 2009

Watermelon and Swimming

We managed to find time to have a little fun this weekend in the middle of all of the packing to the new house. Luke was great with helping me pack and loved carrying small things up and down the stairs. He was a bit confused about which house is really his and would scream whenever I took something off of the wall. It will all sink in when we're finally moved at the new house. We still have 3 more weeks to go!

Luke had his first taste of watermelon and fell in LOVE! I think he would eat it until he was sick if I'd let him. He didn't care too much for eating it with a fork and loved smashing his face right in and getting every last bite. You can't help but laugh when he came up for air and his entire face was bright pink.

I also took him to the pool at Fort Belvoir for a much needed break. The sun was out and it was too hot to keep moving things. Luke has never been to a pool before and it was such a joy to sit back and watch him. He ran when he saw how big the pool was and loved watching the lifeguard clean out all of the yucky bugs. He is a bit of a daredevil and I had to watch him closely because he wanted to jump right in. The water was a little cold for mommy but, Luke loved every moment of it. He even slid down a cool polar bear slide they have and tried his best to doggy paddle. What fun we're going to have this summer when Sarah arrives!