Sunday, October 19, 2008

Run Like A Girl - Nike Half Marathon

I got up early today and laced up my running shoes for another race. This one was a half marathon and I wasn't sure how my body would feel about running 13.1 miles. Well, it went very well and it always feel good to run. I try to tell myself that many people in the world would love to run or even walk-that's what keeps me going.

I haven't written for awhile because we've switched agencies and our process seems as if it will start at the beginning. We also have a new company doing a NEW home study. This is the largest test of patience I have ever felt. I know that Scott and I will get it done, we're just tired and wish that it felt as if someone was in our corner helping us out. If I didn't have faith that this is all in God's hands, I don't think that I could move on with this adoption.

We have to take the photos of our little girl off of this site. You'll see new ones as soon as we get her.

This will be an extremely busy week with new paperwork and we hope it all goes well. We'll also know about how much longer this may take before we travel. Keep us in your thoughts and prayers.